Making A Difference In The World Around You

  • The Power of Youth Mentoring Programs: Changing Lives, One Connection at a Time

    22 May 2024

    Youth mentoring programs can make a lasting impact on the lives of young individuals. By connecting them with positive role models who provide guidance, support, and encouragement, these programs offer valuable opportunities for personal growth and development. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of youth mentoring programs and how they can help shape the future of our youth. Benefits of Mentorship Relationships One of the key benefits of youth mentoring programs is the establishment of strong mentor-mentee relationships.

  • Uranium Mining: Protection And Compensation For Those In The Industry

    8 August 2023

    Uranium is a mildly radioactive heavy metal. Global military and nuclear contractors use the material as an energy source and for weapons construction. Mining is the only method of obtaining the metal. Though many consider uranium mining beneficial to the communities within the often-remote areas it occurs, the work is not without risk. Uranium mining is not only associated with the traditional mining risks of falls, cave-ins, and other concerns but with exposure to radioactive materials.

  • How You Can Make A Difference For Refugees

    23 March 2023

    Refugees come from all over the world, seeking safety and security in places other than their own. But oftentimes, they are met with hostility or indifference.  Fortunately, there are several ways that you can help refugees and make a difference in their lives. Here are a few ways you can get involved with refugee assistance. Donate Money to Charitable Organizations  The most direct way to support refugees is to donate money to charities that focus on aiding them.

  • Emergency Housing For Displaced Individuals

    27 October 2022

    A natural disaster could lead to being temporarily displaced from your residence. An onsite temporary housing solution will allow you and your family to remain on your property. This will support your efforts to communicate with the contractors who will be repairing your home and will also allow you to maintain a normal routine. What Is Onsite Housing? Onsite housing is a short-term solution that will ensure that an individual or family has a safe, comfortable place to live.

  • A Housing Reentry Program For Ex-Convicts

    19 July 2022

    Reentry programs provide safe living quarters and support that an ex-convict may need while readjusting to living in society. A program may involve assigning a caseworker and furnishing an applicant with a series of guidelines that they must adhere to. A Housing Center A housing center that provides transitional services may employ a series of caseworkers who will be matched with people who are about to exit jail or prison or who have recently been released from a detention center.

  • Here's What You May Help Fund When Donating to Build Schools In Cambodia

    11 February 2022

    Have you considered donating to help build schools in Cambodia? Your donations can go a long way for the children in the country. Here are a few things your donations might help to fund: Classrooms One important thing that your donations will likely help to fund is the construction of safe classrooms for children in Cambodia that are protected from the outdoor elements. The classrooms are furnished with desks, chairs, books, paper, and pencils among other things so that Cambodian children can learn in a supervised environment where they are safe from traffickers and other dangers.

  • 4 Services That Housing Nonprofits Provide To People In Need

    21 September 2021

    When people think of basic human needs, they often think of things like food, water, and oxygen immediately. However, shelter is just as important and necessary as these things. Without adequate shelter, people can get sick and even die. Housing assistance nonprofits strive to provide help to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. If you're interested in helping people in your community, you can help by making a donation to a housing assistance campaign.